If you like the darker, more grisly side of Merseyside's history, then this is the talk for you!

Find out about the grim goings-on inside the Castle of Liverpool, and in the dungeons of the terrifying Tower of Liverpool.
Learn about the Civil War and the ruthless massacre of the Liverpool townsfolk.
Hear about the long and literally 'drawn-out' executions of the Jacobite Rebels, near where T J Hughes store now stands!
Discover the dastardly deeds of the Hope Street Body Snatchers, and the Aigburth Poisoner whose husband might have been Jack the Ripper.
Finally, hear about the 'Big Bang on the River Mersey'.

Grim stuff but gripping!

Please call Ken for more details on this talk

Office: 0151 427 2717

Mobile: 07808 870 614

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